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Review of Timewyrm: Exodus by burrvie

16 June 2024

Recommended Prerequisites

PROSE: Timewyrm: Genesys

TV: The War Games

Timewyrm: Exodus

With Genesys being what it was, I went into Exodus dragging my feet. I knew we were moving from John Peel to Terrance Dicks, but I still had no desire to read more about the Timewyrm, or continue her arc in anyway. Nevertheless we persisted, and Exodus wasnt actually horrible. Far from perfect, but alright.

Exodus is formatted somewhat strangely. The Doctor and Ace, trying to track down the Timewyrm, go to 1951, then 1923, 1939, then 1940. It makes sense, plotwise, but it results in a couple of smaller interconnected stories with new groups of characters.

The first half has the Doctor and Ace walking around an alternate 1951 London, after the Nazis won WWII. This is the stronger and more interesting half of the book.

The second half has the duo going further back to stop the Nazis from winning the war, and followed characters such as Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Goering, and of course, Adolf Hitler, who is possessed by the titular Timewyrm

The issue here, and with much of this book, is that Dicks is trying to do too much in only 234 pages. We get an interesting revolution subplot which doesn't go too far, we have only two moments with the Timewyrm, which is barely relevant to anything, and as if that's not enough, we are reintroduced to the War Lords, the antagonists that appeared in one episode twenty-five years earlier. Because why not.

It's a bunch of ideas that aren't inherently bad in themselves, but could definitely be executed a lot better. Dicks goes quantity over quality, and it really makes the book feel disjointed.

Top Quote

"In history, the real history, Hitler's Thousand Year Reich lasted from 1933 to 1945. Twelve years and that was it, finished."


"The main reason was that Hitler was an incompetent madman. You blow him to bits and maybe a competent madman takes charge. Someone who really can make the Reich last a thousand years."

Review created on 16-06-24