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Review of Timeless Passages by dema1020

8 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

At first, I was quite enjoying Timeless Passages.  It starts off with a pretty quiet tone, where Bernice comes to a library to do some research.  There's a nice, long conversation where Benny and the chief librarian Archie Spool just talk for a while.  He explains the setting and how the library is able to perfectly preserve books, and I found myself ready to settle in for a quiet, more ponderous adventure.

Then a baby shows up and simply will not stop crying while a loud and annoying cyborg chases around Benny and another librarian named Hermione.  The story lost me at this point and then it simply... ends.  Not with a bang but with a rather disappointing whimper.  It feels like the library setting was squandered, which is especially disappointing as Big Finish has done this exact thing at least once before - introducing a cool library in The Genocide Machine only to not use it in a way I would find interesting.  Compared to Gobbledegook, and audio adventure that actually makes use of a cool alien library in a cool way, Timeless Passages and The Genocide Machine both kind of feel like a waste of time for similar reasons.


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