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Review of Time Reaver by dema1020

27 December 2024

Oh, boy. I did not like Gully. Something about the way they did that alien's voice really put me off and made getting through this particular audio a bit of a chore. I can't say I would recommend it in light of that. I had hopes this could be fun, taking the Doctor and Donna to a truly alien setting, letting the advantages of audio really let my imagination just sort of running away with the setting. But the actual plot of Time Reaver I found to be pretty boring overall. The Time Reaver as a weapon and an idea kind of felt gimmicky to me, even if it was, at least in theory, a horrifying device. It felt a bit underplayed, maybe because we hear about people talking about it more than experience it ourselves as listeners.  Some cool ideas but a very messy execution overall.


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