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Review of Time in Office by Seagullslost

1 May 2024

The Doctor is recalled to Gallifrey to take his place as president, not that he wants it...

This serves as a follow up to the Five Doctors and is more of a light hearted, comedic story. Its almost four separate stories, the cliff angers are not cliffhangers, but just the end of the episode. The 'plot' is that the Doctor is forced into being president; not wanting it, but doing it anyway. There's stuff about a diplomtic ceremony and the Doctor & Leela having previous killed someone brother. A wannabe Doctor who virtually kidnapps Tegan and the new capitol building.

It is nice to have the fifth Doctor and Leela together and with Tegan as his only current companion its a refreshing change.

There are a number of continuety references here, Turlough is on Frontios awaiting the Doctor and Tegan's arrival. The fact that The Doctor didn't meet Leela on his recents trips backs to Gallifrey and lots of stuff about the Five Doctors.

Leela is very much out of character here. With the Gallifrey series, companion chronicles, Jago and Litefoot etc, she goes from taking sayings literally to being quite wise. In this, at the end the Doctor asks if she wants to rejoin him due to the mess he's left behind, and she says she'll 'ride it out' - it just doesn't work.

Its a nice release and enjoyable but nowhere near the top marks that some have rated it.


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