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Review of Time-Flight by weebiloobil

26 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Here's the thing about Time-Flight. I will always defend the idea that the central idea is absolutely fantastic. A Concord flight goes missing, sent back along a time corridor millions of years in the past? Actual pilots trying to work the TARDIS while the Doctor is helped by a professor of hypnotism? The villain appearing to use magic, which turns out to be technology and he gets 'defeated' after only two episodes only to be revealed as a disguise (for literally no reason at all)? Great stuff.

But then things fall off a cliff. People overcome the hypnotism, then fall victim to it again, then overcome it. Characters need to get through a wall, then make it through, then need to get through the wall, then make it through, then need to get through the wall. TARDIS circuit boards get exchanged with other TARDIS circuit boards, which then get exchanged for other TARDIS circuit boards. TARDISes dematerialising then immediately rematerialising, then dematerialising, then rematerialising. Grey blobs appear then disappear then appear then disappear then appear again. It's not a time corridor we're stuck in, it's clearly a time loop.

There are still really lovely moments. Tegan working as an actual flight attendant, and experiencing Heathrow Airport, before unexpectedly getting left behind. The gradual shift in the pilots' attitudes as they come to appreciate the Doctor, his companions and the TARDIS. Any interaction with Professor Hayter.

But this can't overcome just how tedious most of the serial is. And the most irritating part of the whole serial? I'll explain later...


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