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Review of Time-Flight by dema1020

6 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Time-Flight starts out very strong as we finally get to Heathrow Airport.  The whole energy at the terminal is a lot of fun and would be a very cool, original moment for Doctor Who were it not for the fact we are following very similar story beats to The Faceless Ones.

Nevertheless, Time-Flight eventually distinguishes itself by flinging our heroes and a few other characters far into the past.  From here, it's all pretty disappointing.  We never really see anything cool or particularly noteworthy while exploring Primordial Earth.  Mostly, we just meet other humans stranded here.  It's super disappointing and the Master's weird and likely racist disguise makes for a very underwhelming affair.  Pretty quickly our characters lose purpose and the whole thing becomes a very disappointing story.  There's cool moments like when Teagan and Nyssa are attacked by past monsters, and even hints of Nyssa's psychic potential that could have been used in a more interesting way, but sadly the larger narrative around psychic aliens the Master is messing with just did not engage me much at all.  A promising serial completely laid waste by a bunch of meandering nonsense.

I also loathe how little Adric is even mentioned in this story.  It really feels like the show is brushing aside any potential character development in what should have been one of the more significant moments in Who history.


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