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Review of Tick-Tock World by Joniejoon

5 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

A decent Susan-centered story. It talks about her lack of agency and the role the doctor plays. Which is an interesting point, because, as mentioned before, I don’t see her original characterization as weak. However, she is often presented as weak against the doctor. Her most brave moments are when the doctor is not there.


This story does something quite clever with that tidbit. It makes the doctor an onlooker from above, while Susan shows her agency as she would when he’s not there. This works very well, since the doctor can’t interfere or opinionate even if he wanted to.


It's not perfect though. It could be paced a little better. The beginning is quite slow, while the ending feels rushed. Ian and Barbara get killed off in quick succession, which leaves Susan completely alone for a very small time. If their disappearance was spread out a little more, and if we had a few failed ideas with Susan, I think it would stand a little stronger.


It would show versatility, perseverance and cleverness. Now it shows her being capable once, making the doctor feel impressed, and then it ends. The ending isn’t even caused in a particularly clever way, since Susan has to be told what to do by the doctor. This diminishes the point the story tries to make.


I will give it that the choice Susan got was interesting. Spending a life in fear or taking a risk, but I don’t think it is particularly fitting for her as a character. Hell, in the end she doesn’t even remember how brave she was. And she has been brave before. I don’t think that was a necessary way for Susan to go. Also, why does only the doctor remember the choice (albeit barely), when Susan was the lone survivor?


This story was clearly made to show the values Susan has. It even got Carol Ann Ford involved for that. It is a bit disappointing that the story does not seem sure in the values it actually want to leave Susan with. With the reset at the end, I doubt even the Doctor got that much out of it, which is a shame. It swings big, and could have been so many thing, but except a few minor things, it misses. Foul ball. I don’t know baseball.


Although I will say. Those Ian and Barbara death scenes? Perfect. Couldn’t have been better.


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