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Review of They Keep Killing Suzie by dema1020

23 June 2024

This is certainly a Torchwood episode I didn't hate. Though not exceptional, there is some fun to They Keep Killing Suzie and it, I think, plays up the fun a story like this can have. With a bit of a crime caper combined with what really is Torchwood's recurring villain, the appeal of this comes from Indira Varma and she definitely stands out as a performer enough to carry this episode, but Gwen is pretty great here too. It is a shame Suzie couldn't become a recurring threat like the show runners apparently wanted at one time until she was unavailable for series two. While I have a lot of issues with early era Torchwood, I think this is the version of the show that could have worked a lot better - a show that takes itself a little less seriously can get away with more goofy content like this and my thoughts around They Keep Killing Suzie are far more positive because of it.

Review created on 23-06-24