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20 January 2025
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Lions, Tigers, and Yearn
Prerequisites: The previous 11DC audios, and Series 7 of New Who.
The Yearn is notable for being far and away the lowest rated 11DC story. I was pretty curious to find out why, and the answer is that this is just a pretty basic base-under-siege tale at its core. Honestly, that's mostly it. I do have a few actual critiques though, mostly concerning the Yearn themselves. The idea behind them is cool, but frankly I found the explanation behind their motives and history to be way too abstract and full of blatant exposition for me to really track it. That scene was certainly not helped by the sound effects behind the alien voices, which were particularly difficult to understand. Other than that though, I liked this story well enough. The side characters are pretty good, Valerie's new romance is cute, and as always Dudman and Ingar are amazing together.
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