Review of The Woman Who Fell to Earth by dema1020
12 May 2024
This review contains spoilers!
This episode is weird in that it does a really good job setting up a story that doesn't exist. The TARDIS crew we are introduced to come across as interesting, especially Ryan, who has a disability and then loses Grace right before this big adventure. Such a thing and dealing with his relationship with Graham should and could have defined Series 11, these companions in general, and even our time with the 13th Doctor. Sadly, this wasn't meant to be. Chibnall totally flubs these characters time and time again.
The Women Who Fell to Earth isn't responsible for any of that, though. It does a pretty good job actually, at introducing us to all these characters and the new TARDIS interior. It is sufficient enough to get the ball rolling. The Tim Shaw thing is silly but really not a big deal, even though he does look ridiculous. The episode doesn't look that great either and I'm not a fan of the Chibnall era's visual style, but none of that feels unacceptable here. It's all good enough that under a better show runner, you could have had this as the memorable start to something, even if it is a little flawed. Rose is flawed. The Eleventh Hour is flawed. It's not a big deal! But those episodes can be looked back on and we know there is good pay off to a lot of those companions, and it really doesn't feel the same here without that.

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