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Review of The Woman Who Fell to Earth by DarthGallifrey

30 January 2025

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The Woman Who Fell to Earth: A Rambling Review

So, I do like that they're giving the new companions a backstory and traits. It just seems in my memory, that those never really went anywhere and were often forgotten. If I encountered a glowy thing in midair in the woods, I'm not sure what I would do. Logically, I wouldn't touch it. Though I suspect that curiosity might get the better of me. Does anyone else think that the pod looks like a giant blue Hershey's kiss? Almost ten minutes into the episode before the Doctor makes an appearance, but that does give us a bit of time to get to know our new companions a bit. I'm not sure what I think about the companions knowing each other before hand, I sort of like it but also sort of don't. I find that I would've preferred if Grace had joined the TARDIS crew, I liked her a lot more than Ryan or Yaz. In my inital viewing when these aired, I never really warmed to Ryan. I found he was just kinda there. I liked Graham, and found him the most enjoyable of the three with a personality and a nice balance between seriousness and comedy. Yaz has potential, but I never felt it materialized enough for me to like her.

While Jodie's Doctor does evolve her own personality somewhat in my memory, I do understand the comparisons to Tennant/Smith. This Doctor is very manic, talking a mile a minute, her brain moving too fast, and that's not something that goes away after her regeneration stabilizes. It does feel somewhat like the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors, especially Eleven. Though I think it's almost in overdrive here. That said, I do love the design of the new sonic, and the scenes of her making it are great. And she does get a decent "I'm the Doctor" moment in the climax.

I will admit that the Stenza is good design, and an intersting idea. I'd love to see them expanded upon since that's something the TV show never really did. Apart from only meeting one member of their species in two episodes and then getting a little info in another, they haven't been touched. Maybe we'll get something in the upcoming Jodie run from Big Finish (as they were sort of set up as a nemesis for her) or in a future Classic Doctors, New Monsters.

So this episode does work for me. It's not the best episode, for me The Eleventh Hour is the pinnicle of Doctor introductory episodes, especially in the Modern Series. I like the more low-key threat, the more personal stakes. Tsim-sha won't ever be among the greatest monsters/villains the show has ever produced, but he's not among the worst. What this sets up works for me, it's the payoffs and what I remember to lack of building upon this that don't. It's a fine episode of Doctor Who, not terrible, not outstanding, just fine. I will say though, that the cliffhanger was rather nice. Anyway, I think that's everything. Final score: 7.5/10.


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