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Review of The Window on the Moor by dema1020

26 May 2024

I tried to give Window on the Moor the best chance possible. I even watched a documentary on the Bronte sisters to help me have a fresh sense of the women knowing Emily is featured here.

Unfortunately, while the story is pleasant enough, it was pretty tough to get through. I find the story kind of becomes unnecessarily bloated after a while, and Briggs' narration only kind of works here. He isn't the best at Nine or Rose, but it is easy enough to fall into the loose sense of this being an audiobook-style story more than Big Finish's usual wheelhouse, at which point it goes a bit better.

I really like writer Una McCormick and I think she does a lot to make this story feel like something. Rose has a lot to do here and it's a pretty good story for her, while the Doctor is a bit more uneven. He has fun bits and gets to talk to a lot of walls, which starts out amusing but eventually just got silly for me. Still, the ending is decent and the special effects go a long way to make this feel of a certain mood. I think I would have preferred more historical content though, as the sci-fi ties don't really add much to Window on the Moor. I can definitely see how people think this one is weaker than the average Ninth Doctor Chronicle, but for me, it is more in line with the others. I'm not sure if that speaks well to Window on the Moor though, so much as just the very average-level quality to all these audios on the whole.


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