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2 August 2024
This review contains spoilers!
This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.
Previous Story: Cobwebs
Well the 'Older Nyssa' arc has fully kicked off. I like that we're continuing with the Richter's syndrome plotline and I enjoyed the way that was incorporated into this story. Because we have a rather large TARDIS crew, I'm going to give my thoughts on them one by one for all these stories starting with;
Character's aside, this story had a lot of potential. Unfortunately, due to the large cast, I don't feel like enough time was spent on all the elements of this adventure leaving it feeling a bit muddled. It does really evoke the feeling of 80s Who though, so if that's something you really care about I suppose this might be interesting. The perspective on purity and cleanliness is decently interesting, similarly there's some elements of radicalisation and extremism that I liked. I wouldn't call this story a waste of two hours, but there were much better things I could have done in that time.
Next Story: The Cradle of the Snake
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