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Review of The Wheel in Space by 15thDoctor

19 August 2024

This review contains spoilers!

II'm still none the wiser as to why any of The Wheel's crew trust The Doctor and co. Especially after Jamie's act of sabotage. The fact that they are not locked up on the spot as people opposed to the space program is perhaps the most surprising element of this story. Once you get beyond this there is a somewhat enjoyable, if a bit mixed end to Troughton's second season.

I'm really glad that Jamie and The Doctor are phased by Victoria's absence at the start of the episode and that we get a shot of Victoria looking towards the TARDIS. I';m always delighted when these early companions get treated with the reverence they deserve. "Doctor what do you think Victoria is doing now?" The Doctor gives some sage advice as always.

Jamie and The Doctor continue to be wonderful together. I don't know if there has ever been a more natural and pally Doctor/companion relationship before or since. You truly believe that they trust each other with their lives.

The quick setting plastic is a strong device. I especially like when The Doctor x-rays it to reveal a cybermat! I'm also a huge fan of the on-board lava lamps - an essential for any future spaceship.

The Cybermen are wonderful enemies; I can only imagine the young audience's excitement at the time to see these monsters return. This is the first time they have felt like part of the furniture. Thank God this show managed to create another alien force (almost) as iconic as the Daleks.

Zoe is a dream of a new companion and a lovely contrast to Victoria. Victoria was lovely but Zoe definitely takes a more active role in this adventure. Its great that she is so determined to join the team that she stows away in the TARDIS and takes images of the Daleks in her stride.


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