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Review of The Wedding of River Song by dema1020

17 May 2024

It's messy as hell, very hard to follow on first watch, and full of exhausting moments of cliche, but I don't hate the Wedding of River Song. The whole idea of every moment of time clumped together sounds crazy, but Moffat does a pretty good job of introducing and building up the idea a bit - only for him to basically ignore it entirely as the episode goes on. There's some interesting stuff then introduced around Amy and Rory not remembering each other - only for that, too, to kind of go to the wayside for the final act. The episode feels like three distinct ideas, all of which are pretty interesting but none of them are really followed up on here. It is also pretty disappointing pay-off to all the ideas brought up around Series 6. The Doctor's death really doesn't amount to much of anything at all in hindsight and given the whole Tranzalore thing, the idea gets a bit repetitive in the Moffat era.

Still, I find it very easy to re-watch this one. Maybe because of the frantic pace, excellent main cast, and quick action, but I find in spite of all these flaws, I never really mind watching Wedding of River Song all over again. It has a lot of problems, but I would struggle to call it a bad experience, either.


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