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Review of The Wedding of River Song by MarkOfGilead19

30 October 2024

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Underrated masterpiece. This episode went from a 3,5 in my first viewing to a perfect score.

First time I watched I was completely lost and I felt a bit cheated with the way the Doctor gets to live. Now, having watched all of classic and new who, plus a modest number of audio stories and a few novels, I have found a love for weird and unorthodox stories. Exactly like this one.

A fast-paced episode where everything seemed to fit in the right place, can't say there's a boring or unnecessary scene, everything moves the plot toward the conclusion. Plus I love episodes with a different timeline that causes the characters to act different, for timey-wimey reasons (like Inferno).

Coming back to the resolution, if you think it through it just makes sense, everyone sees him die, so as far as the universe is concerned, he died, which stops the paradox from being created (the resolution is somewhat similar to what happens in The Fires of Vulcan audio story, with the premise that the TARDIS was found buried in the ruins of Pompeii, which is something I haven't seen pointed out before). Plus, knowing how everything ends makes rewatching this season in particular extremingly gratifying.  The design of the "all of time together" world is really cool too.

I'll end by saying that I'm completely biased toward this era of the show. Moffat is tied with Hinchliffe and Cartmel (from Classic) as my favourite script editor/showrunner, so I'll always prefer a story from this period to any other. I just wish we got another season with the same amount of ambition and cleverness as series 6 had, even if I can understand it isn't everyone's cup of tea.

PS: I loved the Brigadier scene, even more knowing that's what makes the Doctor snap out of another Timelord Victorious moment and get back to reality, forcing him to face his fate.


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