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Review of The Web Planet by 15thDoctor

16 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Even if though this is one of my least favourite Doctor Who stories, I can still pick out good moments. When the people in bee's pyjamas start flying - it looks spectacular, the Zarbi are beautifully designed and when Vicki and The Doctor get covered in a web it is genuinely shocking.

These moments are exceptions though. The main issue is that the story could have been told in three episodes, not six. The poor quality visuals bothered me in a way it hasn't in the previous stories, it was to be fair, very ambitious though, too ambitious on the budget they had.

For the third story in a row Vicki's character is bothering me, she is very, very similar to Susan - I don't see the point in creating a new character only to give them such a generic role.


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