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Review of The Veiled Leopard by thedefinitearticle63

25 February 2025

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Night Thoughts

A neat little story with a lot of missed opportunites. We're robbed of a meeting between Peri, Erimem, Ace, and Hex. I'm also not sure I fully understood how the plot worked. With both halves of the story occuring at the same time you really have to pay full attention. Still, it was nice to hear Peri and Erimem again and Ace and Hex continue to be a really fun combo.

Also, how hard would it have been to get a cameo from McCoy and Davison. Just a quick little meeting at the end of the story would have made it a lot better in my opinion. It's an ok story as it is though, nice vibes and an odd plot. That's about it really.

Next Story: The Flying Dutchman


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