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Review of The Vanishing Point by thedefinitearticle63

29 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Catastrophe Theory

That was... disappointing. Better than the last two stories but only by the slightest bit. It just feels like all the originality has been chucked out of the window in favour of a Dalek cliffhanger. I guess we always knew it was coming considering the cliffhanger to the first set but I just wish it was done in a slightly more interesting way.

This story carries on the nothing streak from the last two. There's this mysterious place called "the Vanishing Point" and the Doctor needs to go there to somehow find out what the purpose of all his missions has been and he basically just does that for a whole hour. I've already forgotten most of the specific details and I only finished it about 5 minutes ago.

Again, the only thing I can praise here is the performances (and they were great). It's really fun to hear the whole Season 6 team in full-cast audio and Troughton, Hines, and Padbury all have great chemistry with each other. Emma Noakes continues to be great as Raven though she's not nearly as interesting as she was in the last set.

This has been an interesting listen so far. I found the first two sets really promising after a relisten and was expecting this one to be the same for my first listen but it was by far the weakest one. I wanted to be able to say I'll be eagerly awaiting what comes next after this but I really can't say that I am, especially if Nick Briggs remains as involved as he clearly was here.

Next Story: (Unreleased)


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