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Review of The Unknown by thedefinitearticle63

19 February 2025

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Previous Story: The Rulers of the Universe

Quite liked this one. It starts off very interestingly, with none of the characters knowing exactly who they are. It's a clever way to get around the Doctor meeting River out of order. I thought the way the chief engineer going mad was depicted to be quite good, in particular that scene where he sees the robot that isn't there and it tries to convince him that everyone else is just ignoring it.

I think where this story suffers is it tries to be too complicated that it wraps back round to being technobabble again. It's really the kind of thing where you have to give it your full attention the entire way through otherwise you'll have zero clue what's going on. It's quite fun though, overall. And a pretty solid cliffhanger too.

Next Story: Five Twenty-Nine


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