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31 May 2024
This review contains spoilers!
The Ultimate Evil is pretty polarizing. I can see why, too. There's lots of elements to it very true and characteristic of the Sixth Doctor era of television, warts and all. There are a lot of parts to this audio that don't hold up very well as such, with these surviving scripts sort of feeling like they may have been junked for a reason during the troubled production of the time
There's lots of potential and even stuff kind of worth checking out here. Nicola Bryant and Colin Baker are really giving it their all, even if a lot of the Sixth Doctor's mannerisms leave quite a lot to be desired. The rest of the cast is a little more middle of a road. It feels like, to me, they do alright with some pretty dubious material.
I like the idea of The Ultimate Evil, this wave of energy that can spread hatred and violence was pretty cool for a concept, but feels like we didn't really get to explore the full nature of these effects on these people as much as it could have been. It comes across as pretty lacking. It wasn't a miserable experience, but wasn't exactly easy to get through as an audio, either. All that being said, I did enjoy how much the audio successfully captured the feel of the Sixth Doctor era as it was, especially through the music and sound effects.
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