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Review of The Twist by JayPea

15 January 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Full on Punk 12, the best art I've seen in a Titan Comic, just such a fun setting, all in all I'm loving this.

I'm always a fan of this characterisation for Twelve, where he does just give that 'old punk' vibe, so putting him into a setting like this one to really bring that out is just brilliant. I especially love the new companion we get here, a punk rocker from the future just works so well for Twelve, especially her being a musician he's a big fan of, but just early in her career.

I also quite like the twist we get here on the 'evil human colonialists' story we often see. It's still very much a story with those vibes, but the fact that the foxkin weren't the original settlers but came with the humans, the humans having died, and then the humans here now being genetic recreations by the foxkin, it adds another layer to the story that makes it stand out all the more.

The ending does feel a little rushed, but I think for this kind of story and setting it works well for me. On the one hand, making peace with a single speech doesn't feel the most realistic, but on the other, the twist is a setting with a vibrant and widespread punk scene, and with how that scene is so accepting of minorities and such, I think it does work here.

Also the art! This is some of my favourite art I've seen in a titan book, while I like the art in other Doctor Who comics it can, at least for me, often feel either too comic-y, ending up trading some of the realism you get with who, or the character's likenesses, of trying to be too real, losing the sense of motion and action from a comic. This art perfectly splits that down the middle, being a bit more realistic but keeping that comic book charm and I absolutely adore it.



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