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8 December 2024
There's so much I adore about The Time Warrior. At a time I'm sure was uncertain for the show - what would it be like with Jo gone, Sarah Jane comes in and very much steals the show. She's a lot of fun and I love how her introduction is handled with her role as a journalist. It's very well done. It feels like this story breathes in some new air into the series, especially since this is the first time we've done any sort of actual time travelling in a good, long while. It feels like a shame the show would often skirt away from exploring Earth history, as it is one of the more interesting aspects of the series.
This is also a very fun introduction for the Sontarans. They work really well here in the historical setting and I like some of the characters such as Professor Rubeish and Irongon. They were a memorable bunch and added a lot to the story. Overall these episodes are a great start to what would be Pertwee's final season. It does feel like production kind of saw the writing on the wall. With Delgado's death and producer Barry Letts soon to be leaving, Pertwee would follow, and so in many ways it feels like they went all out this season starting with Time Warrior. It didn't always work out, but a lot of these episodes have a certain energy I can really appreciate.
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