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Review of The Time Meddler by Joniejoon

7 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

The TV finale of season two. Sadly, it feels just as generic and ambivalent as the last one.


The Doctor and Vicki land in 1066. They discover Steven managed to climb aboard the Tardis in the last episode. After a few fun character shenanigans, they decide to check out their location.


While they are exploring, we focus on a suspicious looking monk, who is clearly scheming, so what’s going on?


This premise is fine. A mysterious character can be fun. The problem here is that very little plot actually happens. We walk, we talk, then we walk and talk some more. The actual reveal of the Monk is saved until the final 20 minutes in an 100 minute story. After that we have to rush to some conclusions and we’re done.


The Monk is a member of the Doctor’s people. But unlike the Doctor, who believes you can’t rewrite history, the Monk goes all out. Frankly just having a great old time. But we don’t really get a lot of insight in what his meddling actually is, or what it does.


The Doctor is quite uppity with him about it. This is about as stern as 1 gets in this entire season. And it feels contrary. Of course, the doctor will eventually make the leap to meddling himself, but we’re not there yet. It makes sense for him to defend time here.


But it could be a great moment of introspection. Has the Doctor actually never meddled with time? What about all those dress up games and long travels with Marco Polo? It also seems that every time we move past 1965, it doesn’t matter all that much. But even in this own story. He told the English the Vikings were coming. Is that meddling?


And that’s why this story feel like the first half to something bigger. Where does the Doctor, in this period of his life, draw a line? I know that can feel like a question that is not reasonable for the show to have right now. It’s not a hero show yet.


But I think it is a valid question to ask. And the Monk could be a good contrast. Show us what makes him wrong and the Doctor right. The Monk comes across as a quite reasonable fellow, so it could be a really fun battle of wits. Right now, we just have to take the Doctor’s word that he is a baddy, and that’s weak sauce.


Show us consequences! Show us the contrast in literally any way. Now there is nothing. If an audience can handle the clear meddling in “The Chase”, then they can handle an explanation on what should and shouldn’t be done. They shouldn’t take anyone’s word for who’s bad, let alone the Doctor’s.


Character wise, this story is not very notable either. Dennis Spooner sets himself apart as a writer of separate moments, instead of stories, but those are lacking here as well. The best part is Vicki and the Doctor in the Tardis, talking about the loss of Ian and Barbara. My heart melts every time this Doctor shows vulnerability and heart. But it’s the only real moment in these 4 episodes.


And that’s kind of weird. Considering we have a new crewmate! Steven Taylor establishes himself as a himbo this story, and that’s about it. He’s kind of stupid, but good hearted. It’s a bit flat, but we have time. We know this character can show vulnerability. He did so last episode. He also was alone for 2 years, so there’s room for good stuff there. It’s just not here yet.


But yeah, that leaves “The Time Meddler” with no big plot, no small moments and barely any character work. It’s a shame. It could have been better if they just talked about the implications they’re dropping here, but they decide to fluff it up until we have no time left for good stuff. It’s a shame.


And that’s a wrap on the TV season as well. Alternative Seasons still has some audio’s to go, though. Last time, when we ended the TV season on “The Reign of Terror” (another Spooner script, take that as you will), and I mentioned how it was the first real dud in the TV season. This time, we aren’t as lucky, as there have been more duds, but it still has plenty of winners! It’s mostly the stories in the middle that don’t quite do it for me. Oh well, the passion and drive is still clear on screen and I’m still looking forward to the next one!


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