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Review of The Then and the Now by JayPea

20 November 2024

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The Time War, The War Doctor, and Paradoxes, oh my.

There's a lot going on here, and all of it great (apart from maybe the art in a couple of places). First and formost, Abslom Daak is a great character to bring onto this TARDIS team, Eleven is already a bit of a more cerebral doctor, and Alice being a librarian also leans a bit more into the intelligent rather than the action heavy. Abslom isn't stupid, but he's definitely more of a brawn before brains kind of character and works brilliantly set across from the other two, plus bringing back an iconic Doctor Who comic character is always going to be fun.

What we get of the Time War is great, hearing about the ramifications of The Doctor's visit to the planet, seeing War for a few panels alongside an as-of-yet unnamed child is intriguing, and the fact that he's seemingly responding to the current events of the comic is even moreso. There's also the mystery of Squire, who is she, why does she remember War but Eleven doesn't remember her, why doesn't she remember her age and how is she 18 or 19??

And then the paradox creature as well is great, the idea that this is what you become if you go back in time and ruin all the fixed points in your life intentionally, the fact that someone did that to themself purely to take down The Doctor.

All in all, a really fun story


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