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Review of The Stranger by JayPea

15 October 2024

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I'm a sucker for a time war story, and this definitely is one, but without all the complex trappings that you often get. I like the idea of a late-war doctor coming back to the early-war and seeing what people's thoughts about where it'll go and how long it'll last contrasted with the the doctor's knowledge.

Daleks are fun here, definitely more threatening and that than I thought they would be. Being a collection of mostly shorts aimed at children I didn't expect to be about attempted mass child murder. I think it's probably helped by the fact they're not given much 'screen' time.

The characterization of War here is also interesting, you can tell how late in his tenure this is and it's great, especially in how he deals with children. He's grizzled, but it's gone on for too long, he's lost too much, and he just wants to be a doctor again.


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