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Review of The Space Pirates by 15thDoctor

21 August 2024

This review contains spoilers!

The Space Pirates are plundering space beacons owned by the Issigri Mining Corporation for valuable argonite, blowing them up in the process. Both of these sides have distinctive and interesting characters with believable motives you can invest in. As with much of this season, there is a "spy thriller" feel running through some of the plot - can we trust Milo Clancey? Should The Doctor and co. be trusted by anyone?

The scenes where the space beacons are pilfered and destroyed are especially good, full of drive which keeps you hooked in the moment. This is helped by the fantastic model scenes - alongside the fantastic sets in The Web of Fear this is some of the best production we have seen in the series so far (lets hope they keep this up into the 1970s!)

This is a story which I would especially like to see returned in its entirety to the archives.


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