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Review of The Space Museum by TheDHolford

22 August 2024

“The least important things, sometimes, my dear boy, lead to the greatest discoveries.”

A strong and unique first episode that utilises time travel and paradoxes really nicely, before descending in a rather boring and mundane series of episodes. It’s predictable and dull for most of its runtime, with a boring side cast, and a generic rebels versus dictators type story.

Hartnell is brilliant here however. Even though he’s not in the third episode, his fun performance in the first two and final episode make up for it. He’s play against Lorbo in the second episode is really strong as well, a darker and more strong willed side to this version who has now become more soft.

The sets are rather generic, and the museum never as impressive as you want. With dull side characters. It’s not bad, but forgettable, though does have a really strong first episode.


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