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Review of The Space Museum by RoseBomb

2 May 2024

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Quite a good story with some shakiness in the first 2 parts, certain scenes work quite well, like the exploration in the first part, the interrogation in the second, and the fight scene in the third, and others don't work at all, like some of the companions-bickering scenes, and some stilted expository dialogue in the first 2 parts.

The story itself is a classic take on colonization, with the Moroks standing in for the British and the Xerons standing in for people from really any British colony (which is possibly why the Moroks are dressed in white and the Xerons are dressed in black). So while the setup is good and classic Doctor Who, the execution leaves something to be desired, and lacks much of anything new to say really, this whole dynamic is done much better in other stories, but it works fine here. The story's real strength is the writing itself, the allegory might be simple and not explored as well as it could have been, but all the rest work really well, quite a relief after the slog that was The Web Planet and The Crusade back to back, imo.

I am a big fan of the set design, not that it's really that difficult, but they sell a "space museum" quite well, and I like the costuming, the Morok uniforms are quite snazzy and very 60s.

Part 3 has a very good fight scene for the time with energy and quite good choreography, that manages to stay fun and is clear throughout.
I quite like Lobos as an above-it-all colonizer who's driven by logic and science.
It's moments like these I wish there were more granularity in the review scores, cause in my opinion this is better than a 7 but not quite good enough to be an 8.


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