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Review of The Sound of Fear by quartz_

20 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This story was so very Wildthyme<3

It's all just so her. Ditching poor Sam to "go off and save the universe, you know how it is". Attachment issues, girl. You've got them. I love how she still cares for him.

The plot was fun, and very Wildthyme.

love how Iris just carries around a mallet in her handbag to whack things with (because, remember, Wildthyme's Law, Rule Number One, if at first it doesn't work, whack it!), and how she then had to fix it to use it. Lack of foresight, so very entertaining, so very her.

loved that ending, oh my god. It was everything. It was EVERYTHING. That girl, sacrificing herself, Iris trying her best to- what, send her off well? Give her encouraging last words? Sam, dead?

"The best funeral this universe's ever seen!" oh my god, I'm crying, Iris-- 

Just. Excellent. Her determination to make the best of it, how she'll definitely NOT deal with her own feelings, just- oh, Iris.


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