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Review of The Sontarans by escapeswitch

12 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

'The Sontarans' is unfortunate in the sense that, timeline wise, it has the bad luck of being the act to follow up the absolute powerhouses of the Sara Kingdom companion chronicles, 'An Ordinary Life', and 'The Anachronauts'. It still manages to hold its' own, but the fact that to me it feels like a relatively generic sontaran story does let it down when compared to those more gripping, more original plots.

In my opinion, what really saves 'The Sontarans' is just one small part, and that's the conversation between Captain Daphne Papas, and Sara. Sara had a rough start in terms of garnering viewer sympathy, considering when introduced, she shoots her brother in cold blood. Throughout 'The Dalek's Masterplan', she's given some development that leads the viewer to see why she chose to act in the way she did. However, this is built on even more here, adding more tragedy to the events of 'The Destruction of Time'. Here, she gets to talk about her past with someone who has far more shared experience than Steven or the Doctor, which leads to the reveal that she joined the Space Security Service at eight. It's a really lovely well-written moment, and by far the thing that has stuck with me from this audio.



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