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Review of The Shape Shifter by dema1020

10 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

I checked this comic out for the introduction of Frobisher and I can't say I was disappointed.

The artwork really stands out thanks to the creativity of out titular Shape-Shifter's many forms. His introduction is handled well and there are some fun moments with the Doctor. However, I don't really understand why Frobisher made a deal with the Doctor to begin with. His motivations aren't really explained here for why he wants to join the Doctor or split some bounty money with him when the alien could just have kept it for himself.

Still, you have to give credit to this comic for introducing Frobisher who would go on to be one of the more stand-out companions in Who history. I also liked how this, a Marvel comic, made fun of Disney and copyright law. In retrospect, that is a very ironic little moment.


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