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Review of The Seeds of War by Guardax

3 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

This was my first story featuring the Eminence, who is quite a creepy villain! Very much of the Great Intelligence mold, a formless intelligence, but one that is quite effectively unsettling! Caskets popping up spreading gas everywhere turning people into Eminence zombies. The story explains enough of the Doctor's previous encounter, though I was surprised the Eminence was powerful enough to still be in his mind.

This story isn't as much about the Eminence as it is about society falling apart in the aftermath of a brutal war, and many references made to the rich elites on Earth. There are interspersed propaganda new bulletins, and the plot involves at first a collapsing tower the Doctor and Mel land in and ends in a seed vault on Earth. This story goes places! The Eminence's plan of 'starve everyone' seems to fail pretty spectacularly once they just find more seeds, really shouldn't have withdrew your warriors, dummy.

The ending makes clear the Eminence is still out there, so we'll see if its plan makes more sense then.


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