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Review of The Satan Pit by MrColdStream

31 October 2024

This review contains spoilers!

8️⃣⏹️ → VERY GOOD!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!


The Satan Pit isn’t all non-stop action and tension like most second parts in Nu Who two-parters. It keeps building anticipation for the reveal of the big bad in the last third, almost to the point of excess. But what keeps it together is the many great scenes with the Doctor and Tennant’s strong performance.

There’s action as well, on Rose’s end, as she and the crew defend the base from the evil Ood. Rose seems to be the only one who can keep her calm somewhat, which makes her stand out. Zach also proves to be an unusually capable captain.

It’s pretty interesting how this episode suggests that every iteration of the Beast, in every religion and culture, originates from the original seen here. The scene with the Doctor slowly descending into the pit and contemplating the nature of the Beast, the universe, and his travels is a top-tier Ten moment.

Another great moment is the scene where Ten and the Beast finally go face-to-face and Tennant holds a long Doctor monologue. The CGI might not be the most effective, but the sheer size and design of the creature and its presence and voice make it so effective.

All the stuff with the Doctor seemingly dropping to his death and Rose refusing to leave the planet turns a bit too melodramatic for my taste, and the resolution is perhaps a bit too rushed, but other than that, the story largely sticks to the landing.


  • Captain Zachary represents “the Torchwood Archive,” whatever that's supposed to mean.


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