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Review of The Romans by TheDHolford

20 August 2024

"You know, I am so constantly outwitting the opposition, I tend to forget the delights and satisfaction of the arts, the gentle art of fisticuffs!"

Enjoyed this more this time around. A really fun and silly pure historical, focussed more on the comedic aspect than anything else. Its tone does shift a little too much during the runtime but it's a well paced, and at times genuinely funny little romp.

I think Derek Francis is probably the best guest star the show has had up to this point, a really fun, over the top and campy performance as Nero. He plays off well against Hartnell perfectly. It's a shame the story neglects the new companion Vicki in her first adventure, but she still has great chemistry with the Doctor throughout.

A fun, charming and silly camp romp through Ancient Rome. It works well!


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