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Review of The Ribos Inheritance by thedefinitearticle63

7 February 2025

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Bad Day in Tinseltown

To be fair, I think if you shortened this story by about an hour it would actually be quite good. I'm a pretty big fan of The Ribos Operation so I certainly wasn't against a sequel to it. I can't say I'm too fussed about this one though. It doesn't really have any of the charm that made that story so good in my opinion. It's a lot of running about and arguments between pretty annoying characters.

McCoy's performance in this is really solid, I think they've really blended his Season 24 personality with that of his later self quite nicely here. It's pretty hard to fill out a review about this story considering how generic and meandering it is so I'm going to cut it shorter than I'd like for a 4-parter. Overall, a simple, uninspiring story but atleast it's not boring.

Next Story: Dragonfire


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