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Review of The Rescue by TheDHolford

20 August 2024

"We're here to help, my child." 

A fun two part story. Well paced and a simple story, but does a good job at introducing us to a new companion in the form of Vicki. A character immediately with more story and development than Susan ever got, and while some of the performance is a bit of a Susan 2.0, I do like how her and The Doctor get along immediately, his grandfatherly and softer side immediately coming through to sooth and ease her. It's sweet.

The story itself is simplistic. With the reveal being rather obvious. I do like the design of the ship, the interior and exterior as well as Koquillion, it's a fun, silly design, but works in the context of the story.

Not my favourite of all time, but it's a nice, fun, simple two parter.


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