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Review of The Power of the Daleks by glass_shard

29 April 2024

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Aaand the Second Doctor's era starts off with a bang, as we get a Dalek story! I generally run kind of hot and cold on the Daleks, because I find them boring as s**t in and of themselves, but when you manage to focus a story on how others are affected by them, then we start to get somewhere interesting.

This did precisely that, being a drama about a space colony where Daleks are being revived and used as servants. Every party wants to use them for their own means: to gain power, to serve the colony, etc. It becomes almost a political drama, but I found that interesting enough.

The part of the story I was most interested in, though, is the character of Dr. Lesterson. He's the one trying to revive the Daleks, and goes insane when he realizes that they're using him for their own means, despite pretending to be servants. I don't quite know what it is, but the sort of Victor Frankenstein character type really engrossed me.

The Second Doctor himself is also fun here. I think they did a really good job introducing this new character to skeptical audiences, and I found him to work well, balancing the right amount of silly and serious that would define each Doctor going forward. Honestly it's a real shame that this and so many other stories from this season are missing, because as much as they try, the puppet animation being used here just doesn't do his performance justice. I do believe that the Doctor is entertaining here, and he definitely gets his moments, but I just wish I could see more of the original character acting.


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