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Review of The Power of the Daleks by 6-and-7

2 May 2024

A fantastic opener for the Troughton era, undermined by the fact that it's completely missing. The animation was quite good, but given that Troughton was such a physical performer, it could never really capture his unique style.

Still, that's not exactly the fault of the story, which was great! Dalek stories tend to be hit-or-miss for me, and this was most definitely a hit. A large part of that is due to the fact that the Daleks aren't the main focus for a lot of the story. There's a lot of political intrigue and rebellion, a bit of scientific hubris, and Ben and Polly's uncertainty about whether or not this new Doctor is really the same man, all interwoven to form a great story... and the perfect conditions for the Daleks to conquer and destroy!


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