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Review of The Plague Herds of Excelis by dema1020

22 June 2024

For a series I ultimately did not connect much with, the Plague Herds of Excelis worked really well for me.
First I really liked Iris Wildthyme's return. Not only did it enhance the connective tissue of this story to Excelis Dawns, but I feel like her character worked really well as a foil to Benny. I think Iris is kind of at her best when she has a less-comedic established protagonist like the Doctor or Summerfield, and it left both leading ladies with some great moments here. I only wish we got a little more of their dynamic as they are apart for a huge chunk of the audio, which feels like a bit of a waste.

Still, I found the Plague Herds of Excelis worked quite well as a sequel to the Excelis series. Most of these stories felt largely disconnected to each other, so having a story featuring the direct fallout of Excelis Decays with a lot of plot elements finally resolving a number of what I thought were pretty loose threads from Excelis Dawns, this felt more like the actual sort of building follow-through I wanted from the original Excelis trilogy. The setting was pretty well done in my opinion, making good use of a post-apocalypse Excelis, with a raging plague and roaming barbarians heavily featured throughout the audio. Snyper was a pretty fun villain that had a decent story in him, as part of those ties to Excelis Dawns. I also like how the story gives the vague glimmer of hope to life going on the world of Artaris without compromising the grim ending of Excelis Decays.

Review created on 22-06-24