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Review of The Parting of the Ways by RandomJoke

27 February 2025

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Disclaimer: If you read this Review, then I highly advise you to give my "Bad Wolf" Review a Read first, since this one directly continues from that Review, due to the Nature of this being a Two-Parter.

"Parting of the ways" is the big Heart of this Story and dare I say better than the first Part, which is probably a rare thing for an RTD Finale. I love the use of the Daleks here, seeing a new Version of the Dalek Emperor is lovely and Eccelston gives a stellar Performance. I probably would repeat many points, but many people have already made perfect points about the Deus ex machina used here.

I do want to add this by saying the Regeneration itself is superb and easily one if not the best of NuWho. While I liked many other Regenerations that came later, and I do enjoy the “Glow” Effect the first time, but after a while it gets tiring. I feel like how it goes with Eccelston is the perfect ideal for a regeneration, it’s a great mix between being accepting of the upcoming change but also being in some state of shock of it happening “so soon”. 9 trying to reassure Rose is the cherry on the Top then.

Overall it’s a highlight of this Series, it’s not my favorite or even second favorite, but I think it’s very easily RTDs best Finale with a fun first half and an excellent second,. That, while suffering from some of his bad habits, doesn’t have the most egregious examples of it.


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