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Review of The Organ Grinder by JayPea

19 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

I love a good time war story and this definitely is that. I can understand some people saying that the time war gets overused or isn't interesting, but I think it can be used to explore some really out there sci-fi concepts, and it's put to great effect here.

I have massive nostalgia for The Cult of Skaro, but in just two pages, the Volatix Cabal grabbed me in a way they could never. Their insanity combined with intelligence is brilliant and chilling. They know they've made themselves into madmen, but they've done it for a reason "madmen win wars". Their quoting of Alice in Wonderland also makes them seem more threatening than most other daleks I've seen, and that's before you even see their designs. The basics are there, you can tell they're Daleks, but they're so perfectly twisted. One looking almost like a biblical angel, one with animals tied to it, almost a mockery of clothing, and one with humanoid limbs, all horrific.

The reveal that the child is The Master has less weight put on it than I'd expected, but with the reveal done we now get to see him as The Master which is brilliant, his relationship with War and Squire here is just great to see. It's also nice to finally see a young Squire, knowing she's actually from here and was a companion (though have a feeling there's more to it)

And lastly, the main threat being gods that sided with The Daleks just to experience genocide. It's great, more of that please!



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