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Review of The One Doctor by dema1020

1 March 2025

I had so much fun with this audio.  The One Doctor is silly, weird, and kind of perfect.  Christopher Biggins is so funny as Banto Zane, a con man posing as a Doctor who gets caught up with a real adventure involving Mel and the Sixth Doctor.  This audio is such a great example of the redemptive arc of the Sixth Doctor.  We actually get to have fun with these characters and they actually get to be in a great story.  It sounds so simple but in contrast to the show it really felt like these two never got to have stories like this until now.

Both characters really get to shine here as they go on a few quests to get some key items to save the day.  I really liked the first two quests - they were fun and memorable, especially when the Doctor finds himself in a game show against a machine that knows everything - but the third quest kind of felt a littler weaker.  The Jelloid was a little unbearable to listen to and it's the only one of a couple weak spots in the story.  Still, the overall structure and tone of this story is pretty excellent, and does end on a touching moment as Mel and the Doctor celebrate Christmas together.

I don't have a ton else to say about this.  I found it funny and it really kept my attention nicely which is all one should want in a story such as this.  Some of the cultural references feel a little dated to the early 2000s near the end, but it hardly matters in a story this fun and The One Doctor holds up really nicely on the whole.


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