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Review of The Nightmare Fair by thedefinitearticle63

2 September 2024

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Revelation of the Daleks

I've yet to find a Toymaker story that really captures that otherwordly and eerie vibe that I loved so much from The Celestial Toymaker. It doesn't help that David Bailie's performance doesn't hold a candle to Michael Gough's and just ends up feeling like it's reduced the Toymaker to a cackling common villain, It doesn't feel like his powers were properly demonstrated here.

This story also suffers from being a story that was originally written for TV, meaning it struggles with a lot of the annoying quirks that Season 22 had that I really disliked. The Doctor and Peri constantly getting split up, leading to the Doctor facing off the main villain alone by essentially just talking to them while Peri gets put through whatever torment the writers concocted that week.

Ultimately though, like most of Season 22, I had fun with it. The cast are great, the settings are interesting and overall it's just fun. It might not have been the best story had it been made, but I would've loved to see it if only for the return of Michael Gough as the Toymaker.

Next Story: The Ultimate Evil


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