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Review of The Next Life by MrColdStream

13 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!


The Next Life brings the ambitious Divergence Universe arc to a close, plunging the Eighth Doctor, Charley, and C’rizz into a surreal world of alternate realities shaped by their deepest desires. Charley finds herself reunited with her mother, while C’rizz is given a chance to live happily with his deceased wife, L’da. At first, the story leans into these dreamlike scenarios, with Part 1 largely following the companions as they settle into these seemingly perfect lives. However, the slow pace makes it a bit of a struggle to engage with—until the cracks start to show towards the end of the episode, hinting that something far more sinister is at play.

In a departure from the usual four-part format, The Next Life is an extended six-part epic, reinforcing its status as a season finale. However, while the extra runtime allows for more intricate storytelling, it also stretches the narrative to the extreme, making it difficult to stay immersed throughout.


Unusually, the Doctor is largely absent from the first episode, only appearing properly in Part 2 when we learn he has been shipwrecked on a remote island. Here, he finds himself accompanied by the mysterious Perfection, played by Daphne Ashbrook—Eight’s original companion in the 1996 TV movie. The story deliberately plays with the flirtatious chemistry that once existed between the Doctor and Grace, adding a layer of meta-humour to their interactions. However, despite the Doctor’s storyline being more action-driven, it somehow lacks the same emotional weight as Charley and C’rizz’s more introspective arcs.

As the Doctor navigates a treacherous landscape filled with traps and monsters, he soon becomes entangled with a chilling religious cult. Captured and forced into a deadly hunt where he is the prey, he must survive to earn the right to challenge their leader, Daqar Keep—brilliantly played by Stephane Cornicard. His journey is guided by the enigmatic spiritual leader of the Church of the Foundation, known as Guidance, voiced by Blake’s 7 legend Paul Darrow.

Meanwhile, Part 2 also delves deeper into C’rizz’s past, forcing him to confront the reasons he originally left his old life behind. This proves fertile ground for Rassilon, who expertly manipulates him, setting the stage for both companions to turn against the Doctor.


The story slowly unravels its many layers, with several key revelations punctuating the narrative. In one of the most striking twists, Part 3 reveals that C’rizz is actually Rassilon’s creation—his "son." Another major moment comes with the slow realisation that everything occurring has been orchestrated by the Church of the Foundation, testing whether the Doctor and his companions are worthy of entering the so-called "next life." Even the guest characters begin to reveal that they understand the concept of time, further hinting that reality itself is not what it seems.

As the story progresses, the trio’s paths begin to converge once more. A particular highlight is the dynamic between Charley and Perfection, which plays out in a delightfully antagonistic manner. Their rivalry is reminiscent of Sarah Jane and Rose in School Reunion, as they constantly try to outdo one another, making for some amusing exchanges.

The final two episodes unleash a flurry of revelations, tying together various threads from the Divergence arc. However, the sheer volume of information, much of it delivered in lengthy dialogue-heavy scenes, can be overwhelming.

One of the more intriguing elements is the revelation that C’rizz’s role as a companion is far more significant than previously thought, with his moonstone forming a key part of the puzzle. Additionally, Rassilon’s manipulation of Charley and C’rizz—awakening them from their dreamlike states only to turn them against the Doctor—adds further complexity to the conflict.


Watching events unfold from the shadows is the Krok’a, working under the command of none other than Rassilon himself. Don Warrington once again delivers a commanding performance, portraying a Rassilon who is calm, calculated, yet utterly charismatic. His conversations with Charley, in particular, are fascinating, as he works to manipulate her into seeing the Doctor as an obstacle rather than an ally. This story cements Warrington’s place as one of the great audio Rassilons.

Another standout performance comes from Anneke Wills—best known as First and Second Doctor companion Polly—who plays Charley’s mother. She fits the role perfectly, making it a shame that she only appears in the first couple of episodes.


The biggest issue with The Next Life is its length. While the story is packed with ideas and dramatic moments, the six-part structure makes it difficult to sustain engagement. As the narrative drags on, it becomes increasingly hard to keep track of all the revelations, and the sheer density of information can feel overwhelming.

In many ways, this story encapsulates the Divergence Arc as a whole—ambitious, experimental, and filled with intriguing concepts, but often overcomplicated to the point of exhaustion. While it has its strengths, it’s ultimately a relief to see this arc come to an end.

📝VERDICT: 6/10

The Next Life is an ambitious and layered finale, packed with intriguing twists, strong performances, and a suitably grand sense of scale. Rassilon’s manipulations, the eerie religious cult, and the exploration of Charley and C’rizz’s subconscious desires all make for compelling drama. However, the sheer length of the story ultimately works against it, stretching the narrative to breaking point.

While it provides a satisfying conclusion to the Divergence Universe arc, the pacing issues and information overload prevent it from being a truly great story. Still, the tantalising cliffhanger—returning the Doctor, Charley, and C’rizz to the regular universe, only for them to be immediately confronted by familiar foes—sets the stage for an exciting next chapter.


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