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Review of The Moonbase by glass_shard

29 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

...I mean yeah it's The Tenth Planet but again? There's a base and they're trying to stop the Cybermen from invading Earth, and near the end they figure out a way to defeat them and save the day, this time by using a bunch of chemicals to melt them, and later by realizing they can use a gravity machine that they've had for the whole story to fling the Cybermen into space.

It's still an entertaining story, certainly, I liked it more than The Highlanders, but I don't have anything specific to say about it. Polly and Ben get another good moment when they figure out how to melt the Cybermen's tech; the setting of a moon base is really cool and allows for it all to feel very clean and distant, something that works well for a Cyberman story.

Oh, I should talk about the reconstruction real quick!! The first and third episode of this serial, along with the final episode of The Tenth Planet, were animated by Planet 55. I really like their work. It feels very close to the original in its rotoscoped animation and black-and-white visual style, as well as the framing, which ensures there's less dissonance when switching between live-action and animation. The animation for this serial also has a slight blue tint which helps sell the cold vibes, which was a nice touch.


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