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Review of The Mind Robber by glass_shard

29 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

PEAK. My god this story is just so unrelentingly creative and fun, I don't think there's anything in Doctor Who like this. I love it when Doctor Who does these weird trippy concept episodes, and this one doesn't just have a good hook but really sees it through the whole way. It just keeps throwing crazy ideas at you, there's never a dull moment. They've traveled to NOWHERE! The TARDIS gets blown up! Jamie's face got switched around and now he's played by some other dude! Oh look Gulliver's here but he can only speak in quotes from the book! Super-cool stop-motion Medusa! Whatever the f**k the Karkus's deal is! Oh no they're gonna get turned into fiction! The climax is just a fanfic battle! I love it so much.


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