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Review of The Macros by dema1020

4 June 2024

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This audio was a particular disappointment for me. I had let the story get me all excited over the prospect of us exploring The Philadelphia Experiment with the Sixth Doctor. The real world ship disappearance felt like a prime way to have some fun with a navy ship going into some sort of dimensional void. Instead, however, things get horribly derailed as we go to the planet Capron and things get weird, typical to the original run of Sixth Doctor nonsense from the show days. As always, Big Finish does a good job at faithfully recreating these stories, but sadly, it seems to often result in just faithful recreations of a very troubled era of Doctor Who. With it comes all the problems of this time, including the bad effect it had on Colin Baker's performance. Peri feels similarly wasted for the same reasons. It's just not worth anyone's time, really. Sadly. Tragically. A serious rewrite leaning more into the Philadelphia Experiment would have gone a long way to improving how I feel about The Macros but as it stands this story just outright lost me after a certain point - right around when Osloo showed up, actually. Nothing against that performer but I just lost any sense of engagement once she started throwing orders around. No thank you.


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