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Review of The Land of the Dead by ItsR0b0tNinja

24 April 2024

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The first dud of the Big Finish Doctor Who releases. The plot is a dull thudding of nothingness that just keeps going with a drudging game of hide and seek that leaves you lost in a void of generic rooms, to the point that the CD release has a floor plan. The characterisation is either annoying and whiney, or baffling to the point of me audible say WTF or groaning. The sound design is OK with the caveat that generic_monster_sound_24_MASTER is supposed to do some heavy lifting, along with, even more generic, verbal descriptions. This was a struggle to get through. I actually stopped about halfway through for a full day and just couldn't bare getting back to it. I think only sleep deprivation allowed me to finish it. All-in-all, a very disappointing and never-to-be-listened-to-again release.


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