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23 January 2025
This review contains spoilers!
It's a hard launch for the Seventh Doctor and Ray, who finally gets her crack at being a companion! I like the decision to make her in her 40s as opposed to fresh out of Delta and the Bannermen. This story must be listened to after the previous Krillitane story in the set, because it deals with where the fake Zoe has got to and her scheme in order to revive the Krillitanes. The Doctor is so excited to meet Zoe and catch up he never considers she could be evil until it's almost too late. It's a fun story, and the Scottish/Welsh TARDIS duo was good to listen to. Great continuity work too for us sickos, it's set before Zoe's President or fake Zoe would obviously be recognized and the Krillitanes have 'very long necks' which is how the Tenth Doctor said he looked last time he encountered them in School Reunion.
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